
How we use Cookies - Regency Chess 

Your privacy is important to us. At Regency Chess we strive to give you complete and honest information about the cookies that we use on our site and give you the information and tools to manage them. By continuing to browse our site, you consent to our placing cookies on your computer, unless you have made the decision to disable them via your browser. Please note that if you do not allow cookies on your computer you will not be able to shop our site. We are always trying to make improvements to the ways we use cookies and we will keep this page updated with any changes made. Additionally, please find more information about your privacy here.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a piece of data that is placed on an internet user's computer. The information the cookie contains is initially set by a the website and it can be used when the user visits the website again.
Cookies were designed to remember things that an internet user has done on that website in the past, which can include putting products in their basket, logging in, or clicking on links.
Cookies are not dangerous. They are not computer programs and cannot be used to circulate viruses.
This information about how customers use the website is used in many ways:
To keep a record of the products you've put in your shopping bag for next time you visit
To make personalised product recommendations, based upon your previous times you've shopped on the website
To remember the preferences you have set up for that website.
To find out what the website doesn't do well and make improvements to it in future
Allow you to share pages with social networks like Facebook
Make sure advertising on other websites is relevant to you

Types of cookies

Session (or Transient) Cookies

Session cookies are stored in your computer's memory for the length of your browsing session. They become unavailable after the session has been inactive for a time and are automatically deleted from your computer when the web browser is closed. There main purpose is to allow you to move between pages on a website without having to log in repeatedly.

Persistent (or Permanent) Cookies

Persistent cookies are stored on the user's computer memory and are not deleted or removed when the web browser is closed down. They are used to keep your preferences for the website, so they will be recalled the next time you visit the website. They are also used to collate information about the numbers of visitors, the average time spent on a particular page and analyse shopping behaviour on the website. This information is used to find out how the well the website works and where it can be improved.

Flash Cookies (or Locally Shared Objects)

You probably have Adobe Flash installed on your computer. Websites that contain Flash can also store small amounts of data on your computer that can be used in the same way as cookies are. Flash cookies can also be used to record the data that is stored in other types of cookies. So, when you delete cookies from your browser, your Flash cookies are not affected meaning a website may still identify you if it previously recorded the deleted cookie data into a Flash cookie.

Sharing with social networks

If you use the buttons that allow you to share products and content with your friends via social networks like twitter and Facebook, these companies may set a cookie on your computer system.

Which cookies do Regency Chess use?

Session ID
Regency Chess requires that our visitor's computer accept a session cookie. This session cookie contains simply the session identification number which identifies the visitor to the store, as separate from other visitors. The session cookie contains no personal identity information, and in itself is thus anonymous. A 3rd-party cannot use anything in the cookie to identify the visitor in any way. This session cookie expires at the end of the visitor's session in the browser, or at a predefined time, typically 24 minutes after their last mouse click, whichever is sooner.

Google Analytics
A behavioural tracking service that helps us find out what can be improved on the website and how important it is. The information collated is completely anonymous.

Share buttons (Facebook, twitter and Google+)

What happens if I opt out of all cookies?

If you opt out of all cookies set by Regency Chess then you will not be able to place an order on our website. You will, however, still be able to browse our website. If you disable Flash cookies, you will not be able to watch some of the videos on Regency Chess.