Metal Chess Sets

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Exquisite Italian Craftsmanship: Metal Chess Sets

Our collection of metal chess sets embodies the highest standards of Italian artistry and luxury. Each set is a masterclass in design and durability, meticulously handcrafted to stand out in both beauty and function. These sets aren't just for playing chess; they are sophisticated décor pieces that add elegance to any room.


Built to Endure Generations

In an era where products are often designed for short-term use, our metal chess sets offer a stark contrast. The Finnesburg and Dark Walnut Luxury Chess Set, for example, is built to last across generations. This exceptional set is handmade in Florence by the skilled artisans at Italfama, promising a lifetime of enjoyment and an heirloom to pass down through the family.


The Italfama Difference

At Regency, we are proud to feature the Italfama range of metal chess sets. Our collaboration with this prestigious Italian company is based on their commitment to traditional crafting techniques. Each piece begins with a mould that has been in use for over three decades. Molten metal is carefully poured into these moulds, cooled, and then refined to perfection.


These chess sets are more than just functional items; they are pieces of Florentine heritage, renowned for their exquisite detail and robust construction. Owning one means appreciating a blend of history, art, and superior craftsmanship.