Metal Chess Pieces

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Masterpieces of Italian Metal Chess Craftsmanship

Italfama, based in Florence, has been crafting exquisite metal chess pieces for over three decades. Their expertise and dedication to quality have established them as a leading name in Europe, prompting our initial collaboration. Our ongoing partnership reflects shared values of exceptional service, diverse offerings, and uncompromising quality.


A Collection That Chronicles Chess Through the Ages

The metal chess pieces in our collection celebrate the evolution of chess, with designs inspired by Ancient Egypt, the grandeur of the Renaissance, and visions of the future. These pieces are not just game tools but a historical journey, crafted to reflect different eras.


Remarkable Weight and Balance

These chess pieces are distinguished by their substantial weight, giving them a commanding presence on any board. For instance, the Egyptian King weighs over 250g, while the Verona Series King weighs 118g. This heft is a result of their solid metal construction, forged in Tuscany from brass or nickel, ensuring a naturally weighted and balanced feel.


Comparable to the Finest Woods

The quality of these Italian metal pieces rivals that of the most luxurious woods, such as ebony, mahogany, and golden sheesham, used in our other collections. The Maghreb Brass and Nickel 4 Inch Chess Pieces feature intricate patterns on the angular King, while the Finnesburg Series showcases floral accents around the base, each piece protected by Italfama's signature red felt.


Ornamental Beauty with Practical Functionality

Despite their ornamental appeal, these metal chess pieces are designed for practical use, offering excellent balance and meeting our high standards. Each piece is securely stored in individual compartments within a branded Italfama box, ensuring safe delivery. Currently, we have a large stock of these metal chessmen in Frome, ready for dispatch within 24 hours.

Our Italian metal chess pieces are more than just game components; they are heirloom-quality artifacts that bring a touch of history and artistry to every game. Whether displayed as ornaments or used in play, these pieces exemplify the finest in chess craftsmanship.