17 to 18 Inch Chess Boards


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Most Common Chess Board Size: 17 to 18 Inch Chess Boards

At Regency Chess, we understand that the size of a chess board can significantly impact the overall playing experience. After careful consideration and extensive testing, we have concluded that the 17 to 18 inch range, roughly 43cm to 46cm, offers the optimal balance between playability and practicality. These boards provide ample space for players to fully immerse themselves in the game, unhindered by external factors.

Introducing Our Luxury Chess Board Range

To showcase the exceptional quality and craftsmanship of this ideal size, we are proud to present our Deluxe Range of 17 to 18 inch chess boards. Each board in this collection is crafted by our trusted supplier at Rechapados Ferrer S.A., a renowned Spanish manufacturer known for their unparalleled attention to detail and use of premium materials.


Our luxury chess boards feature a wide array of premium woods, including Ebony, Ash, Maple and Palisander. These carefully selected materials are skilfully combined to create these stunning chess boards.


Among our 17 to 18 inch chess boards, the Black Anegre and Palisander Board stands out as a customer favourite. The natural wood frame elegantly encases the traditional black and white playing squares, creating a aesthetic that complements a wide variety of Regency Chess pieces. This board's popularity has inspired us to offer it in three additional sizes, ensuring that chess enthusiasts can find the perfect fit for their needs.

Affordable Luxury

For those seeking a more affordable yet equally remarkable option, our 17 to 18 inch category also includes the Wenge and Maple Deluxe Board and the Walnut and Maple Boards. These options showcase the deep, rich hues of Wenge and the classic charm of Walnut. While these boards may be more affordable, they are crafted with the same level of care and precision as their more luxury counterparts.

Uncompromising Quality

Regardless of the specific wood combination or price point, every chess board in our 17 to 18 inch range is an example of uncompromised quality. We work closely with Rechapados Ferrer S.A. to ensure that each board meets our rigorous standards, guaranteeing that our customers receive only the finest products and service.